Prof. Norimasa Yoshida

Norimasa Yoshida,  Ph.D


Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University

1-2-1 Izumi-cho Narashino-shi, Chiba, 275-8575 JAPAN

Phone: +81-47-474-2634

Email: yoshida.norimasa (_at_mark_)


I am currently a professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Nihon University. I received my doctorate in engineering from Waseda University in 1997 under the supervision of Professor Fujio Yamaguchi. From 1995 to 1997, I worked as a research assistant in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Waseda University, and from 1997 to 2003, I was with the Department of Computer Science at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. I began working at Nihon University in 2003. Additionally, I spent the period from August 2009 to August 2010 at Brigham Young University as an adjunct associate research professor.

I derive joy from three facets of my life: my family, engaging in research, and mentoring students.

On weekends, I enjoy cooking. I pursue it as a way to improve my culinary skills. 

Research Interest

Academic activities

Engagement in academic activities in English since 2014. Information about both international and domestic activities is available here in Japanese.